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Heart and Soul: Redefining the library’s role in middle leadership and academic achievement

with Christine Peterson, Head of Library Services, SCOTS PGC College, Queensland

Wednesday, 26th February 2025, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

[As we are in Daylight Saving Time in Australia, please check the time of the webinar in your time zone, e.g. NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS = 8.00 pm, QLD = 7.00 pm, SA = 7.30 pm, NT = 6.30 pm, WA = 5.00 pm]

This presentation highlights the transformative impact teacher librarians can have by facilitating connections between students, teachers, and resources — without necessarily holding formal authority. Through middle leadership, teacher librarians bridge gaps within educational silos, influence curriculum, and promote a collaborative learning environment. This examination of middle leadership within the context of Teacher Librarianship underscores the profession’s expanded role and the powerful influence it wields in shaping modern education.

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Gain strategies for working together as middle leaders, using the Teacher Librarian’s expertise to support curriculum design, resource integration, and school-wide initiatives.
  • Learn to leverage library resources effectively, integrating digital and information literacy into teaching to improve student outcomes and engagement.
  • Understand the impact of middle leadership roles in driving a positive school culture that supports differentiation, literacy, and critical thinking across all grade levels.

Christine holds a Master in Education with a focus on Teacher Librarianship and she is passionate about the transformative role that teacher librarians play in schools. In 2024, she had the opportunity to present at both the National Education Summit on Inquiry Learning and the QSLA Future Libraries Conference on leading from the middle. Through these experiences, she shared insights on fostering school-wide collaboration, promoting inquiry, and enhancing access to resources across grade levels. Her work centres on empowering students and educators, advancing literacy, and positioning the library as a hub for learning and leadership within the school community.

For all States and Territories: This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice.
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning.
7.4 – Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities.

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

AI in the School Library Context

with Jessica Lonard, Head of Library and Information Services, St Patrick’s College Strathfield

Wednesday, 12th March 2025, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

[As we are in Daylight Saving Time in Australia, please check the time of the webinar in your time zone, e.g. NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS = 8.00 pm, QLD = 7.00 pm, SA = 7.30 pm, NT = 6.30 pm, WA = 5.00 pm]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming education, and school libraries are uniquely positioned to harness its potential to inspire, innovate, and educate. In this presentation, we’ll explore practical ways teacher librarians can integrate AI tools to enhance information literacy, foster creativity, and streamline library services.

We will look at:

  • AI for Information Literacy: Using AI to teach critical thinking and lateral reading, equipping students to evaluate sources and combat misinformation.
  • Creative Collaboration: Exploring AI-driven tools for content creation, from storytelling to multimedia projects, that engage students across age groups.
  • Efficient Library Management: Demonstrating how AI can optimize book recommendations, and administrative tasks, giving librarians more time to focus on teaching and collaboration.

Through real-world examples and hands-on strategies, this session offers insights to help primary and secondary teacher librarians confidently embrace AI. Learn how you can support staff and students in navigating the challenges and opportunities of AI-driven learning.

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Explore some practical AI strategies.
  • Understand how to enhance collaboration.
  • Discover time-saving techniques.
  • Develop ethical AI awareness.

Jessica is a Teacher Librarian and Digital Learning Specialist with over 18 years of experience in secondary education. She creates programs that help students build on what they know while encouraging them to explore new ideas using research and information skills. She is passionate about getting students into reading and sharing her love of books. Jessica is also interested in AI and its applications in education, exploring how it can enhance learning and teaching. Beyond the library, Jessica runs webinars and workshops on educational technology and teacher librarianship, sharing tips and strategies with other educators.

For all States and Territories: This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice.
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning.

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Information Fluency Intensive

with June Wall, Independent Consultant & Adjunct Lecturer, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University

This is a five-day intensive with online and offline sessions. See below for the schedule. 

Online: Monday, 17th March, Wednesday, 19th March, and Friday 21st March 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST each day.
Offline: Tuesday, 18th March and Thursday, 20th March are implementation days supported by the recorded sessions for reference.

Non-member registration is $150.00 for this live intensive. 

[As we are in Daylight Saving Time in Australia, please check the time of the meeting in your time zone, e.g. NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS = 8.00 pm, QLD = 7.00 pm, SA = 7.30 pm, NT = 6.30 pm, WA = 5.00 pm]

This intensive 5-day program will step participants through using the Information Fluency Framework (IFF) integrated with syllabus/curriculum outcomes. It will then discuss and build on innovative teaching strategies that can be used with the IFF.

5-Day Overview:
Day 1: Online: Information Fluency and Mapping IFF Outcomes to the Syllabus/Curriculum
Day 2: Offline Activity: Select 1 syllabus document and 1 stage/year level and map outcomes to IFF
Day 3: Online: Strategies for teaching using the IFF
Day 4: Offline Activity: Plan a series of 3 lessons using knowledge from Day 1 & 3.
Day 5: Online: One approach to planning units for the IFF.

Participants will be able to:

  • Use a process to map IFF outcomes to the required syllabus’
  • Develop teaching strategies that integrate IFF, syllabus outcomes and lifelong learning
  • Develop a 3 lesson sequence for use in school using the IFF

What previous attendees had to say:
“I haven’t used IFF effectively in my program to date as I wasn’t sure where to begin. This session enabled me to have an effective starting point.”
“Having feedback on creating lessons to support IFF gave me focus on what I wasn’t quite getting right. Thank you for the reminder of the different methodologies.”
“The course has been very thought-provoking. I think I have become quite complacent in my lessons. This course has certainly got me thinking about the skills and content I want to instil.”

June Wall is currently a Client Services Librarian and Adjunct lecturer at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst. June has been a professional development lead, senior change manager and library coordinator for the NSW Department of Education where she initiated and led the development of the Information Fluency Framework. She has been a teacher K-12, a lecturer, a professional development and education consultant, special librarian, teacher librarian, President of ASLA, President of SLANSW in the government and non-government sectors. While June is focused on developing and maintaining future focused school libraries, her passion is in digital learning and the critical role teacher librarians can play in the development of student learning.

For all States and Territories:
This Intensive will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.2 – Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to the members’ section to access your 20% discounted registration rate for this intensive.]

Navigating New Norms: Generative AI, Academic Integrity and School Library Staff

with Dr Kay Oddone, Lecturer, Course Director, Master of Education: Teacher Librarianship, Charles Sturt University

Wednesday, 26th March 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

[As we are in Daylight Saving Time in Australia, please check the time of the meeting in your time zone, e.g. NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS = 8.00 pm, QLD = 7.00 pm, SA = 7.30 pm, NT = 6.30 pm, WA = 5.00 pm]

Generative AI (GAI) has had a transformative impact on the role of the teacher librarian and school library staff. This webinar will take a deep dive into the implications GAI has for ethical scholarship and academic integrity. The unprecedented capacity to generate original text, images, video and more using GAI technology has already influenced many aspects of education, with particular concerns for perceived opportunities for ‘plagiarism’ and ‘cheating’. Rather than take a negative focus, this webinar will explore innovative and creative strategies for school library staff to take a leadership role in cultivating a school wide culture of responsible and ethical use of GAI tools for teaching, learning and life.

Drawing upon recent research and professional publications, the webinar will explore the concept of ethical scholarship as it relates to GAI and how school library staff can foster knowledge and awareness to ensure academic integrity is viewed as an essential aspect of learning and teaching. Participants will consider how to use GAI tools to scaffold students’ research and writing skills, to encourage students to develop critical thinking skills and avoid over reliance on these tools. Through this webinar, participants will come to realise how the opportunities created by GAI can be harnessed while fostering critical thinking and maintaining scholarly standards in teaching and learning.

After attending this webinar, attendees will:

  • Have an understanding of how the concept of academic integrity is being influenced by GAI and strategies to assist students in using GAI tools ethically.
  • Feel empowered to foster collaborative relationships with teachers and leadership at their school to promote a unified approach to guiding students through the ethical use of GAI, ensuring academic integrity has a school wide approach and is considered everybody’s business.
  • Be familiar with strategies students can use to critically evaluate GAI outputs, thereby developing essential critical thinking skills and maintaining ethical scholarship.

Dr Kay Oddone has over 25 years of experience in the fields of education and information management and has taught at all levels from Prep through to Post Grad. She has experience as a Classroom Teacher, Assistant Principal, Teacher Librarian and Learning Designer. Currently, she holds the position of Course Director and Lecturer for the Master of Education: Teacher Librarianship at Charles Sturt University. In her spare time, she loves cuddling up with her dogs Ruby and Alice, and reading a good book. You can find Kay on LinkedIn and read more about her work on her online portfolio at www.linkinglearning.com.au.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Small but Powerful – Achievable Projects for Busy Teacher Librarians

with Marika Simon, Lecturer in Teacher Librarianship, Charles Sturt University

Wednesday, 14th May 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

Do you ever get discouraged when you see or hear another teacher librarian sharing a display or project that is meant to be inspiring? Do you look at your wishlist of projects but then compare it to your timetable and feel deflated? Do you look back at your ideals from when you got your degree and sigh when you hear the words “research”, “genrefication”, or “de-selection”?

In this webinar, I’ll share some ideas of achievable, meaningful projects that can fit into a busy, low-administrative-time teacher librarian schedule as well as provide time for suggestions from attendees. Small can still be powerful!

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Identify and implement research/data collection to inform practice
  • Make small changes that improve the utility of the collection
  • Choose one small project to implement in the school library

Marika Simon is a Lecturer in the School of Teacher Librarianship at Charles Sturt University and a graduate of the MEd (Teacher Librarianship) Course.
She brings over 20 years of experience in primary education and teacher librarianship to her role. Marika is the Riverina Regional Representative for SLANSW, the Literacy and Reading Section Secretary for IFLA and the Regional Director for Oceania for IASL. Marika focuses on leveraging research and providing practical information to help teacher librarians improve their practice and realise their professional passions. Her passion for supporting other teacher librarians is evidenced through her mentorship roles in the SLANSW and ASLA mentoring programs as well as her writing and presentations.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
7.4 – Engage with professional networks and broader communities

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Library Advocacy Through Community Engagement

with Karen Eyre, Head of Information Services, Brisbane Boys’ College

Wednesday, 28th May 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

Library staff are often introverts (I know I am!), so it does not feel natural to put yourself out there. The problem with that can be out of sight and out of mind for many user groups. This can result in library programs, services, staff and spaces being devalued in schools.

By targeting particular community stakeholders, it is possible to go from “I don’t know what you actually do” or “It must be nice to just sit in the quiet and read books all day” to creating a widespread understanding of what libraries do to create value for their community.

Inspired by the findings from Deakin University’s studies into Teen Reading, Margaret Merga’s work on creating a reading culture in schools, and her own experience and observations with students and reading, Karen is currently reimagining the reading program at BBC with an aim to improving both the attitudes towards reading and the boys’ self-perception about themselves as readers.

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Showcase library resources to show “where the money goes”.
  • Get staff reading.
  • Socialise student reading to improve reading culture.

Karen Eyre is the Head of Information Services at Brisbane Boys College. She is a Prep to Year 12 Teacher Librarian with a background in teaching secondary English and Geography. Karen constantly advocates for the role libraries play within a school: as safe spaces, as bastions against the sea of mis-dis-and-mal-information, and as places that can open up the world within the pages of a book.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Guide on the Side – A TL Leadership Journey

with Kath Talbot, Teaching and Learning Officer for Library Support, CEO Canberra Goulburn

Wednesday, 11th June 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

Teacher librarians can empower a thriving culture, enact change that supports action, and impact teaching and learning through collaboration. This webinar will highlight how a teacher librarian can collaborate with teachers, schools and students to be a guide on the side to build capacity, support change, and enhance pedagogy and instructional practice.

This is the journey of a teacher librarian who has used the wisdom of others to inform and shape her practice that can support your journey in your context and practice.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Gain strategies to support their practice to build value; curriculum design that supports student knowledge growth and understanding; and support teaching.
  • Identify opportunities to advocate for their role and how it is well placed in the school-wide curriculum
  • Conceptualise the possibility of empowering a thriving culture, enacting change, and impacting teaching and learning in small and achievable ways.

Kath has worked for Catholic Education her whole career, 20+ years, teaching a wide range of subject areas from pre-K to year 12. Moving to school libraries in 2015, first primary then secondary, her opportunities since graduating with MEd (TL) include marking for CSU; co-presenting at both NES conferences and ALIA Conference in 2022 with Lori Korodaj; and writing for Access and SCIS Data. Kath is now the Library Support Officer for the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese. Kath lives in Canberra with her husband, with two wonderful teenage girls, a dog and a cat. She loves audiobooks, cooking, playing hockey and is an International Masters Hockey Umpire.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning
7.4 – Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Delivering Ethical Scholarship + AI to Students

with Jessica Lonard, Head of Library and Information Services, St Patrick’s College Strathfield

Wednesday, 25th June 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

As AI becomes a powerful tool in education, it also presents new challenges for fostering ethical scholarship. Teacher librarians are uniquely positioned to guide students in navigating AI responsibly while promoting academic integrity. This presentation will equip attendees with strategies to teach ethical AI use and ensure students develop the skills to engage critically and creatively with this technology.

We will look at:

  • AI in Research and Learning: Understanding how students are using AI tools and how to guide them in evaluating and integrating these resources responsibly.
  • Promoting Academic Integrity: Practical strategies to help students uphold ethical standards in their use of AI, avoiding plagiarism, and acknowledging AI-generated contributions appropriately.
  • Teaching Digital Literacy: Using AI as a springboard to teach broader concepts of digital citizenship, lateral reading, and discerning credible sources.
  • Engaging Activities: Designing age-appropriate activities and assessments for primary and secondary students that make ethical scholarship engaging and relevant.

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Develop AI and ethics expertise.
  • Discover academic integrity frameworks.
  • Develop digital literacy skills.
  • Explore engaging educational tools.

Jessica is a Teacher Librarian and Digital Learning Specialist with over 18 years of experience in secondary education. She creates programs that help students build on what they know while encouraging them to explore new ideas using research and information skills. She is passionate about getting students into reading and sharing her love of books. Jessica is also interested in AI and its applications in education, exploring how it can enhance learning and teaching. Beyond the library, Jessica runs webinars and workshops on educational technology and teacher librarianship, sharing tips and strategies with other educators.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

The Value of Book Clubs for Young People

with Trish Buckley, Teacher Librarian, and Megan Daley, Teacher Librarian and Author

Wednesday, 30th July 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Non-member registration is $45.00 for this live webinar. 

In a world increasingly dominated by online screen time, how can we encourage young people to want to find time in their busy lives to devote to recreational reading? There is a strong argument to highlight the social aspects of what is often seen as a solitary and isolating activity. Young people who share their reading and enter into spaces where it is valued will be reminded of the benefits and joys of this important experience. Megan and Trish will discuss a range of Book Club options, from primary through secondary situations, and those that also reach out to parents and the wider community. They will talk through logistics as well as book choices, promotion and the impacts for all stakeholders. Discussion will also occur around the research and theory of this significant activity.

Outcomes for attendees:

  • Be encouraged to consider implementing book clubs in their own environment
  • Be provided with initial set up strategies and templates for promotional material
  • Given a range of texts to encompass a wide range of interests, year levels and genres

Trish Buckley works full time in a library. She is passionate about learning and using technology effectively, but most of all, she’s an avid reader. Challenging students to find the books they love has been her driving force for the past 15 years. She is a literature consultant for the Riverbend Standing Orders, a literary judge, the editor of Reading Time and an active member of the CBCA (Qld Branch).

Megan Daley is a Teacher Librarian and has been awarded the ASLA Australian Teacher Librarian of the Year 2023 and the SLAQ Queensland Teacher Librarian of the Year, as well as the national Dromkeen Librarians Award. Megan is the author of the bestselling book ‘Raising Readers’ (UQP, 2019) as well as ‘Teacher, Teacher’ (Affirm Press, 2023) and ‘The Beehive’ (Walker Books, 2024). A former national vice-president of the Children’s Book Council of Australia, Megan is also a speaker, regular literary judge, festival curator and co-host of the Your Kid’s Next Read podcast.

For all States and Territories:
This webinar will provide self-identified professional development addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Proficient level:
3.3 – Use teaching strategies
3.4 – Select and use resources
6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 – Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Please check the time in your time zone at Event Time Announcer

[Subscribed members, please log in to register for this event. Your membership subscription includes access to this webinar.]

Upcoming Webinars – Topics to be confirmed

Wednesday, 13th August 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 27th August 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 10th September 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 15th October 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 29th October 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 12th November 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, 26th November 2025, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm AEST, Brisbane, QLD