Future Skills, Future Schools, Future Libraries

Karen Bonanno, National Director, Eduwebinar
28 April 2021

This last year has been a challenging year across many sectors of society, including education. The COVID-19 pandemic has probably been the most disruptive event to global education systems in history, forcing many schools into a ‘crisis-schooling’ situation. The pandemic has accelerated the already-existing challenges to education and stimulated the discussion, debates and deliberations about a need for change.

This free webinar will explore

  • key drivers for future skills change,
  • critical skills that our students will need to be future-ready,
  • scenarios for future schooling, and
  • implications for school libraries.

From this webinar you will be able to:

  • Identify relevant future work skills for student success and curriculum connections.
  • Consider the implications of the changing schooling landscape on the future teaching workforce.
  • Explore how you can situate yourself in these futures and how well prepared you are to embrace the opportunities.

If you have any questions, please contact Karen. 

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